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A Transdisciplinary Approach to Equitable Teaching in Early Childhood Education
Review of Research in Education ( IF 7.300 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.3102/0091732x18821122
Mariana Souto-Manning 1 , Beverly Falk , Dina López 2 , Lívia Barros Cruz , Nancy Bradt 1 , Nancy Cardwell 2 , Nicole McGowan , Aura Perez , Ayesha Rabadi-Raol , Elizabeth Rollins 1

In this review of research, we offer a meta-analysis of young children’s learning and development within and across psychology, education, and linguistics. Engaging with Soja’s concept of Thirdspace, we mapped young children’s learning and development transdisciplinarily, seeking to (re)conceptualize early childhood teaching in ways that are answerable to intersectionally minoritized children, families, and communities of color—those whose voices, values, perspectives, and knowledges have been historically and continue to be contemporarily marginalized. To do so, we identified seven principles with the potential to transform early childhood teaching practice. We posit that together these principles can shift the architecture of early childhood teaching, offering promising possibilities for fostering equity by allowing us to move toward emancipatory praxis and negotiate practical solutions to education’s long history of inequities and oppressions.



在这篇研究综述中,我们对幼儿在心理学、教育和语言学内部和之间的学习和发展进行了元分析。结合 Soja 的第三空间概念,我们跨学科地描绘了幼儿的学习和发展,力求以对交叉少数族裔儿童、家庭和有色人种社区负责的方式(重新)概念化幼儿教育——他们的声音、价值观、观点、知识在历史上并继续在当代被边缘化。为此,我们确定了七项有可能改变幼儿教学实践的原则。我们认为这些原则可以一起改变幼儿教育的架构,