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A Closing Note of Gratitude: It Has Been an Honor to Serve
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions ( IF 2.597 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1098300720986332
Lee Kern , Kathleen Lynne Lane

As 2020 came to a close, so did our role as editors in chief for the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (JPBI; Kern 2013–2020; Lane 2014–2020). We want to express our deepest gratitude to the Hammill Institute, associate editors (Paul Caldarella, Maureen Conroy, Ronnie Detrich, Lise Fox, Jen Freeman, Grace Gengoux, Josh Harrower, Todd Haydon, Melinda Leko, Dan Maggin, Wendy Oakes, Keith Smolkowski, and Melissa Stormont), consulting board members, and contributing authors of the JPBI. It has been an honor to work with each of you in our collective effort to provide the field with high-quality papers reflecting the desired rigor, relevance, and reach. We appreciate the time and effort involved in the process of designing, implementing, and submitting studies and systematic reviews, as well as providing rigorous and respectful feedback. We thank you for your contributions, which have elevated the stature and impact of JPBI in the field of education.



2020年即将结束,我们担任《积极行为干预杂志》的总编辑(JPBI; Kern 2013–2020; Lane 2014–2020)。我们要对Hammill Institute,副编辑(Paul Caldarella,Maureen Conroy,Ronnie Detrich,Lise Fox,Jen Freeman,Grace Gengoux,Josh Harrower,Todd Haydon,Melinda Leko,Dan Maggin,Wendy Oakes,Keith Smolkowski表示最深切的谢意) ,以及梅利莎·斯托蒙特(Melissa Stormont)),咨询委员会成员和JPBI的特约作者。能够与大家共同努力,为该领域提供高质量的论文,以反映出所需的严谨性,相关性和影响力,这是我的荣幸。我们感谢在设计,实施和提交研究与系统评价以及提供严格且受人尊敬的反馈过程中所花费的时间和精力。感谢您的贡献,这些贡献提高了JPBI在教育领域的地位和影响力。