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Motor performance in violin bowing: Effects of attentional focus on acoustical, physiological and physical parameters of a sound-producing action
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-24 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2021.1978506
Emma Allingham 1 , Birgitta Burger 1 , Clemens Wöllner 1

Violin bowing is a specialised sound-producing action, which may be affected by psychological performance techniques. In sport, attentional focus impacts motor performance, but limited evidence for this exists in music. We investigated the effects of attentional focus on acoustical, physiological, and physical parameters of violin bowing in experienced and novice violinists. Attentional focus significantly affected spectral centroid, bow contact point consistency, shoulder muscle activity, and novices’ violin sway. Performance was most improved when focusing on tactile sensations through the bow (somatic focus), compared to sound (external focus) or arm movement (internal focus). Implications for motor performance theory and pedagogy are discussed.



