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Exceptional Children ( IF 4.091 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-13 , DOI: 10.1177/00144029211067108
John Wills Lloyd 1, 2 , William J. Therrien 1, 2

For our second issue of Volume 88, we present three systematic reviews and three large-scale experimental studies. Together, they cover topics ranging from meta-analyses of reading comprehension and writing, to the efficacy of multi-component interventions on deaf students’ writing achievements, to randomized control trials examining the success in high school of students with autism and the behavioral difficulties and social-emotional and behavioral outcomes of young children. Authors of two of the meta-analyses provide their data, code, and materials on open repositories. Doing so is now a requirement for meta-analyses published in Exceptional Children. We hope that by sharing their methods, the influence of the authors’ work will be magnified.



在我们第 88 卷的第二期中,我们展示了三篇系统评论和三项大规模实验研究。它们共同涵盖的主题包括阅读理解和写作的元分析,多组分干预对聋学生写作成绩的有效性,以及检查自闭症和行为困难的高中学生成功的随机对照试验,以及幼儿的社会情感和行为结果。两个元分析的作者在开放存储库中提供了他们的数据、代码和材料。现在,在Exceptional Children 上发表的荟萃分析要求这样做我们希望通过分享他们的方法,扩大作者工作的影响。