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Using a Multi-Systems Approach: Early Intervention, Changing Mindsets, Learning Opportunities, and Meaningful Data
Gifted Child Quarterly ( IF 2.409 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-03 , DOI: 10.1177/00169862211038610
La’Tonya Frazier-Goatley 1 , Jill L. Adelson 2 , Kate E. Snyder 3

As suggested by Peters (2021), educators cannot fully remedy societal issues but can begin with low/moderate-hanging fruit to promote equity and excellence. Universal screening is a good first step, helping districts reduce teacher biases and dependence on parents as educational advocates. Yet without early intervention programs, universal screening often occurs too late. There is power in providing early intervention programs, like Project Reaching Academic Potential (RAP), a project designed to detect and develop potential in students starting in kindergarten. Following this model, we must go beyond programming to change mindsets and provide learning opportunities to educators and families. This holistic approach, especially understanding the interaction of systems like families and educators, takes an ecological system-based perspective on the development of giftedness (e.g., Crawford et al., 2020). We discuss programming, training, partnerships, and making use of meaningful data to make decisions (for more on these and other critical actions to realize equity and excellence in gifted education see https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/10017/download?attachment).



正如 Peters (2021) 所建议的那样,教育工作者无法完全解决社会问题,但可以从悬而未决的成果开始,以促进公平和卓越。普遍筛查是良好的第一步,可帮助学区减少教师偏见和对家长作为教育倡导者的依赖。然而,如果没有早期干预计划,普遍筛查往往为时已晚。提供早期干预计划是有力量的,例如达到学术潜力项目 (RAP),该项目旨在检测和开发从幼儿园开始的学生的潜力。遵循这种模式,我们必须超越编程,改变思维方式并为教育者和家庭提供学习机会。这种整体方法,特别是了解家庭和教育者等系统的相互作用,对天赋的发展采取基于生态系统的观点(例如,Crawford 等,2020)。我们讨论计划、培训、合作伙伴关系以及利用有意义的数据做出决策(有关这些和其他关键行动的更多信息,以实现天才教育的公平和卓越,请参阅 https://www.dpi.nc.gov/media/10017 /下载?附件)。