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Conducting and Evaluating Multilevel Studies: Recommendations, Resources, and a Checklist
Organizational Research Methods ( IF 8.247 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-05 , DOI: 10.1177/10944281211060712
Vicente González-Romá 1 , Ana Hernández 1

Multilevel methods allow researchers to investigate relationships that expand across levels (e.g., individuals, teams, and organizations). The popularity of these methods for studying organizational phenomena has increased in recent decades. Methodologists have examined how these methods work under different conditions, providing an empirical base for making sound decisions when using these methods. In this article, we provide recommendations, tools, resources, and a checklist that can be useful for scholars involved in conducting or assessing multilevel studies. The focus of our article is on two-level designs, in which Level-1 entities are neatly nested within Level-2 entities, and top-down effects are estimated. However, some of our recommendations are also applicable to more complex multilevel designs.



