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Training the Next Generation of Clinical Psychological Scientists: A Data-Driven Call to Action
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology ( IF 18.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-26 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-081219-092500
Dylan G Gee 1 , Kathryn A DeYoung 2 , Katie A McLaughlin 3 , Rachael M Tillman 2 , Deanna M Barch 4 , Erika E Forbes 5 , Robert F Krueger 6 , Timothy J Strauman 7 , Mariann R Weierich 8 , Alexander J Shackman 2

The central goal of clinical psychology is to reduce the suffering caused by mental health conditions. Anxiety, mood, psychosis, substance use, personality, and other mental disorders impose an immense burden on global public health and the economy. Tackling this burden will require the development and dissemination of intervention strategies that are more effective, sustainable, and equitable. Clinical psychology is uniquely poised to serve as a transdisciplinary hub for this work. But rising to this challengerequires an honest reckoning with the strengths and weaknesses of current training practices. Building on new data, we identify the most important challenges to training the next generation of clinical scientists. We provide specific recommendations for the full spectrum of stakeholders—from funders, accreditors, and universities to program directors, faculty, and students—with an emphasis on sustainable solutions that promote scientific rigor and discovery and enhance the mental health of clinical scientists and the public alike.


