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Smartphone filmmaking for queer Australian documentary
Studies in Documentary Film Pub Date : 2022-03-10 , DOI: 10.1080/17503280.2022.2048233
Patrick Kelly 1


This article draws on my experience creating the film What's With Your Nails? (2018), a film about queerness, normality, slowness, and painting fingernails, and which embraces the affordances of smartphone filmmaking for queer documentary production in Australia. Documentary practices in this field are notable for a ‘privileging of authenticity’ through a subjective perspective, and there has been a history of queer filmmakers utilising accessible production technologies. The utilisation of hyper-accessible smartphone technologies presents an opportunity for queer activist filmmakers to make work that alters what we think of empowerment and self-identity by being different to mainstream media. In this article, I observe these concepts at play in notable historical contributions to queer Australian documentary, before discussing the creation of my own film, which was created in response to mainstream representations during and after the successful Australian Marriage Equality Postal Survey in 2017. As such, I argue that mobile media devices are ideal, hyper-accessible tools that can be used to interrogate subjectivities, generate material unlike that seen in mainstream media, and contribute to a growing history of queer documentary in Australia that changes the way we think about representation.




这篇文章借鉴了我创作电影《你的指甲怎么了?》的经验。(2018 年),一部关于酷儿、常态、缓慢和画指甲的电影,其中包含智能手机电影制作对澳大利亚酷儿纪录片制作的启示。这一领域的纪录片实践以通过主观视角“重视真实性”而著称,并且一直有酷儿电影制作人利用可访问的制作技术的历史。超便捷智能手机技术的使用为酷儿激进主义电影制作人提供了一个机会,他们可以通过与主流媒体不同来改变我们对赋权和自我认同的看法。在这篇文章中,我观察了这些概念在对澳大利亚酷儿纪录片的显着历史贡献中的作用,然后再讨论我自己的电影的创作,
