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A Seasonal Analysis of Disparities in Academic Skills for Early Elementary School Children with Disabilities
The Elementary School Journal ( IF 1.789 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-10 , DOI: 10.1086/719508
North Cooc 1, 2 , David M. Quinn 1, 2

Studies examining seasonal variation in academic skills for children have focused on learning loss or stagnation during the summer, particularly for students from low-income or minoritized racial and ethnic backgrounds. In this study, we expand the literature to focus on another student population that may be susceptible to summer learning loss: children with disabilities. Using nationally representative data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010–2011 (ECLS-K:2011), we examined changes in the academic skills of children with disabilities—defined in terms of having an individualized education plan or receiving special education services—relative to peers without disabilities during the school year and summer months. Results indicate that inequality in learning rates between both groups tends to widen more during the early school years, particularly in kindergarten, than summer. One policy implication of the findings is schools may need to focus more on kindergarten transition for children with disabilities.



检查儿童学术技能季节性变化的研究集中在夏季学习损失或停滞,特别是对于来自低收入或少数种族和民族背景的学生。在这项研究中,我们扩展了文献以关注另一个可能容易受到暑期学习损失的学生群体:残疾儿童。我们使用来自 2010-2011 年幼儿园班 (ECLS-K:2011) 的幼儿纵向研究 (ECLS-K:2011) 的具有全国代表性的数据,检查了残疾儿童学术技能的变化——定义为制定个性化教育计划或接受特殊教育服务——相对于学年和夏季月份的非残疾同龄人。结果表明,在学龄初期,尤其是在幼儿园,两组之间学习率的不平等往往比夏季扩大得更多。调查结果的一个政策含义是学校可能需要更多地关注残疾儿童的幼儿园过渡。