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The home literacy environment as a venue for fostering bilingualism and biliteracy: The case of an Ethio-Norwegian bilingual family in oslo, Norway
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy ( IF 2.227 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1177/14687984221109415
Kassahun Weldemariam 1

Numerous studies indicate that the language and literacy development of young children is highly contingent upon the construction of an enriching home literacy environment. Using sociocultural theory as a framework, in this article I explore how a bilingual child’s language and literacy acquisition is embedded as a social practice within the home literacy environment of everyday life. Drawing on data from a qualitative case study involving parental interviews and home visits, the findings herein reveal that the physical and social context of the home literacy environment is vital in fostering bilingualism and biliteracy for a child with a minority home language background. Knowing the multiple advantages of bilingualism and biliteracy, this study yields evidence to suggest that parents can play an active and conscious role in ensuring the richness of the home literacy environment and its embedded social practices.



