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Teaching product operators using the Vega diagram
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ssnmr.2022.101830
Jörg Matysik 1 , Chen Song 1 , Pavlo Bielytskyi 2 , A Alia 3

We all will remember Shimon Vega (1942–2021) as wonderful human and scientist. Paramount examples of his scientific work are quoted in this special issue dedicated to his memory. This article is dedicated to remember Shimon Vega as a fantastic teacher. To introduce to the world of product operators, Shimon created a simple scheme that we now call the Vega diagram. It allows for fast analysis of pulse sequences for AX spin systems. Here, we want to document this scheme for future generations.


使用 Vega 图教授产品操作员

我们都会记住 Shimon Vega(1942-2021),他是一位了不起的人类和科学家。这本专门纪念他的特刊引用了他的科学工作的重要例子。这篇文章致力于纪念 Shimon Vega 作为一位出色的老师。为了向产品运营商介绍,Shimon 创建了一个简单的方案,我们现在称之为Vega 图。它允许快速分析 AX 自旋系统的脉冲序列。在这里,我们想为子孙后代记录这个方案。
