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Understanding Kindergarten Readiness
The Elementary School Journal ( IF 1.789 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-28 , DOI: 10.1086/721773
Kristin Lyn Whyte 1, 2 , Cynthia E. Coburn 1, 2

In this study, we aimed to understand what readiness meant to educators in two districts that were in the midst of developing pre-K–3 initiatives. We examined how readiness was conceptualized by teachers, school leaders, and district leaders as well as what factors influenced their understandings. We found that educators in our study tended to locate readiness within individual children. Although educators did draw from common early childhood ideologies to describe how they understood readiness, district organizational structures and measurement tools also affected their understandings. As public pre-K continues to become part of K–12 systems and districts make choices about how to define readiness, we recommend districts inspect the different messages educators receive about readiness and then align their efforts to ensure their goals are met. We also suggest districts consider employing definitions of readiness that focus on ready schools rather than on unready children.



在这项研究中,我们旨在了解准备就绪对两个正在开发 K-3 前计划的地区的教育工作者意味着什么。我们研究了教师、学校领导和地区领导如何对准备就绪进行概念化,以及哪些因素影响了他们的理解。我们发现,在我们的研究中,教育工作者倾向于将准备就绪定位在个别儿童身上。尽管教育工作者确实借鉴了常见的幼儿意识形态来描述他们如何理解准备就绪,但地区组织结构和测量工具也影响了他们的理解。随着公共 pre-K 继续成为 K-12 系统的一部分,并且学区就如何定义准备情况做出选择,我们建议学区检查教育工作者收到的有关准备情况的不同信息,然后调整他们的努力以确保实现他们的目标。