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Racially Distinctive Names Signal Both Race/Ethnicity and Social Class
Sociological Science ( IF 6.222 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-12 , DOI: 10.15195/v9.a18
Charles Crabtree , S. Gaddis , John Holbein , Edvard Larsen

Researchers studying discrimination and bias frequently conduct experiments that use racially distinctive names to signal race or ethnicity. The evidence that these studies provide about racial discrimination depends on the assumption that the names researchers use differ only based on perceived race and not some other factor. In this article, we assess this common assumption using data from five different studies (n = 1,004; 2,002; 1,035; 5,631; 1,858) conducted at different times across four separate survey platforms (Lucid Marketplace, Lucid Theorem, MTurk, and Prolific). We find evidence that names commonly used to signal race/ethnicity also influence perceptions about socioeconomic status and social class. Specifically, we observe that Americans tend to think that individuals with names typically used by Black and Hispanic people have lower educational attainment and income and are of a lower social class. Even when we present respondents with the educational attainment of a named individual, respondents still perceive Black people as lower social class than White people. We discuss the implications of these findings for past and future experimental work that uses names to signal race. We also articulate the importance of choosing names that best approximate the quantity that scholars want to estimate.



研究歧视和偏见的研究人员经常进行实验,使用具有种族特色的名称来表示种族或民族。这些研究提供的关于种族歧视的证据取决于这样的假设,即研究人员使用的名字仅基于感知到的种族而不是其他一些因素而有所不同。在本文中,我们使用在不同时间跨四个独立调查平台(Lucid Marketplace、Lucid Theorem、MTurk 和 Prolific)进行的五项不同研究(n = 1,004;2,002;1,035;5,631;1,858)的数据评估了这一共同假设。我们发现证据表明,通常用于表示种族/民族的名字也会影响对社会经济地位和社会阶层的看法。具体来说,我们观察到,美国人倾向于认为具有黑人和西班牙裔人通常使用的名字的人受教育程度和收入较低,并且属于较低的社会阶层。即使我们向受访者展示某个特定个人的受教育程度,受访者仍然认为黑人的社会阶层低于白人。我们讨论了这些发现对过去和未来使用名字来表示种族的实验工作的影响。我们还阐明了选择最接近学者们想要估计的数量的名称的重要性。我们讨论了这些发现对过去和未来使用名字来表示种族的实验工作的影响。我们还阐明了选择最接近学者们想要估计的数量的名称的重要性。我们讨论了这些发现对过去和未来使用名字来表示种族的实验工作的影响。我们还阐明了选择最接近学者们想要估计的数量的名称的重要性。