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Dynamics of demand-side and supply-side responses to front-of-pack nutrition labels: a narrative review
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-02 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbac031
Elisa De Marchi 1 , Alessia Cavaliere 1 , Flavia Pucillo 1 , Alessandro Banterle 1 , Rodolfo M Nayga 2

The European Union (EU) food market is characterised by the presence of several front-of-pack nutrition labels (FOPLs), some of which have only been introduced lately. While the EU Commission proposed to harmonise and possibly mandate the use of FOPLs, agreement on which label to adopt has not been reached. This review explores the main issues related to the adoption of FOPLs from both the demand-side and the supply-side perspective with the aim of providing an updated evidence-based road map for the development of future studies that can contribute to extend scientific evidence and guide future food policies.



欧盟 (EU) 食品市场的特点是存在多种包装前营养标签 (FOPL),其中一些是最近才推出的。虽然欧盟委员会提议协调并可能强制使用 FOPL,但尚未就采用哪种标签达成一致。本综述从需求方和供应方的角度探讨了与采用 FOPL 相关的主要问题,目的是为未来研究的发展提供更新的循证路线图,有助于扩展科学证据和指导未来的食品政策。