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Analysis of a Stamp Mill of Mexico’s Antique Mines
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-023-09898-w
Juan Carlos Jauregui-Correa

This paper presents a detailed analysis of a previous work that described the dynamic behavior of an antique stamp mill. The stamp mill application was for breaking ore stones as part of silver production. The dynamic analysis was established from a modern description of the kinematic chain. Since there is no technical data or archeological reports, the model was reconstructed using the dimensions described in original documents and assuming the operation conditions from different technical references. The model was validated using the typical production rates from the pre-industrial revolution period (XVI to XVIII centuries). The results show a proper method for reconstructing the engineering data of antique mechanisms and provide the basis for reproducing these types of mechanisms with modern engineering concepts. The data can be extrapolated to other similar mills that were developed based on this functional principle.



