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Spatiotemporal Metabolic Liver Zonation and Consequences on Pathophysiology
Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease ( IF 36.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-pathmechdis-031521-024831
Tomaz Martini 1 , Felix Naef 1 , Jan S Tchorz 2

Hepatocytes are the main workers in the hepatic factory, managing metabolism of nutrients and xenobiotics, production and recycling of proteins, and glucose and lipid homeostasis. Division of labor between hepatocytes is critical to coordinate complex complementary or opposing multistep processes, similar to distributed tasks at an assembly line. This so-called metabolic zonation has both spatial and temporal components. Spatial distribution of metabolic function in hepatocytes of different lobular zones is necessary to perform complex sequential multistep metabolic processes and to assign metabolic tasks to the right environment. Moreover, temporal control of metabolic processes is critical to align required metabolic processes to the feeding and fasting cycles. Disruption of this complex spatiotemporal hepatic organization impairs key metabolic processes with both local and systemic consequences. Many metabolic diseases, such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and diabetes, are associated with impaired metabolic liver zonation. Recent technological advances shed new light on the spatiotemporal gene expression networks controlling liver function and how their deregulation may be involved in a large variety of diseases. We summarize the current knowledge about spatiotemporal metabolic liver zonation and consequences on liver pathobiology.


