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Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Resilience Factors in African American Youth Mental Health
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology ( IF 18.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-28 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-072720-015146
Enrique W Neblett 1

Racism constitutes a significant risk to the mental health of African American children, adolescents, and emerging adults. This review evaluates recent literature examining ethnic and racial identity, ethnic-racial socialization, religiosity and spirituality, and family and parenting as racial, ethnic, and cultural resilience factors that shape the impact of racism on youth mental health. Representative studies, purported mechanisms, and critiques of prior research are presented for each factor. Recent studies of racism and resilience revisit foundational resilience factors from prior research while reflecting new and important advances (e.g., consideration of gender, cultural context, structural racism), providing important insights for the development of prevention and intervention efforts and policy that can alleviate mental health suffering and promote health and mental health equity for African American youth.


