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External enablers in existing organizations: Emergence, novelty, and persistence of entrepreneurial initiatives
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.761 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-07 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1458
Joaquin Cestino 1 , Lucia Naldi 1 , Mart Ots 1

There is growing consensus that exogenous environmental changes can affect entrepreneurship. The external enabler framework, which provides the structures and terminology to analyze these enabling effects, has typically focused on new venture creation. In an attempt to extend the external enabler framework to corporate entrepreneurship and innovation, our longitudinal multiple-case study explores how environmental changes enable entrepreneurial initiatives in existing organizations. Our findings contribute to the external enabler framework, corporate entrepreneurship, and innovation literature by identifying new conceptual tools to understand the enabling effect of environmental change for the emergence, novelty, and persistence of entrepreneurial initiatives in existing organizations.


