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Symmetry and Invariant Bases in Finite Element Exterior Calculus
Foundations of Computational Mathematics ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10208-023-09609-8
Martin W. Licht

We study symmetries of bases and spanning sets in finite element exterior calculus, using representation theory. We want to know which vector-valued finite element spaces have bases invariant under permutation of vertex indices. The permutations of vertex indices correspond to the symmetry group of the simplex. That symmetry group is represented on simplicial finite element spaces by the pullback action. We determine a natural notion of invariance and sufficient conditions on the dimension and polynomial degree for the existence of invariant bases. We conjecture that these conditions are necessary too. We utilize Djoković and Malzan’s classification of monomial irreducible representations of the symmetric group and show new symmetries of the geometric decomposition and canonical isomorphisms of the finite element spaces. Explicit invariant bases with complex coefficients are constructed in dimensions two and three for different spaces of finite element differential forms.



