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FluidHarmony: Defining an equal-tempered and hierarchical harmonic lexicon in the Fourier space
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2023.2202641
Gilberto Bernardes 1, 2 , Nádia Carvalho 1, 2 , Samuel Pereira 1, 2

FluidHarmony is an algorithmic method for defining a hierarchical harmonic lexicon in equal temperaments. It utilizes an enharmonic weighted Fourier transform space to represent pitch class set (pcsets) relations. The method ranks pcsets based on user-defined constraints: the importance of interval classes (ICs) and a reference pcset. Evaluation of 5,184 Western musical pieces from the 16th to 20th centuries shows FluidHarmony captures 8% of the corpus's harmony in its top pcsets. This highlights the role of ICs and a reference pcset in regulating harmony in Western tonal music while enabling systematic approaches to define hierarchies and establish metrics beyond 12-TET.



FluidHarmony 是一种用于定义等律分层和声词典的算法方法。它利用等谐波加权傅立叶变换空间来表示音级集 (pcsets) 关系。该方法根据用户定义的约束对 pcset 进行排名:区间类 (IC) 的重要性和参考 pcset。对 16 世纪至 20 世纪 5,184 首西方音乐作品的评估表明,FluidHarmony 在其顶级 pcset 中捕获了语料库中 8% 的和声。这凸显了 IC 和参考 pcset 在调节西方音调音乐和声方面的作用,同时启用系统方法来定义层次结构并建立 12-TET 之外的指标。
