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Mitochondrial dysfunction and mitophagy: crucial players in burn trauma and wound healing
Burns & Trauma ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-17 , DOI: 10.1093/burnst/tkad029
Harshini Sheeja Prabhakaran 1 , Dongxue Hu 1 , Weifeng He 2, 3 , Gaoxing Luo 2, 3 , Yih-Cherng Liou 1

Burn injuries are a significant cause of death worldwide, leading to systemic inflammation, multiple organ failure and sepsis. The progression of burn injury is explicitly correlated with mitochondrial homeostasis, which is disrupted by the hyperinflammation induced by burn injury, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. Mitophagy plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis by selectively removing damaged mitochondria. A growing body of evidence from various disease models suggest that pharmacological interventions targeting mitophagy could be a promising therapeutic strategy. Recent studies have shown that mitophagy plays a crucial role in wound healing and burn injury. Furthermore, chemicals targeting mitophagy have also been shown to improve wound recovery, highlighting the potential for novel therapeutic strategies based on an in-depth exploration of the molecular mechanisms regulating mitophagy and its association with skin wound healing.


