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A perspective on the urgency for green aviation
Progress in Aerospace Sciences ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2023.100932
Max F. Platzer

It has become apparent that the continued emission of greenhouse gases will lead to the onset of irreversible climate change, thereby endangering human civilization on our planet. Although the aviation sector of the global economy contributes only a small percentage of the total emissions the transition to emission-free (green) aviation will be a crucial part of the transition to a green global economy by mid-century if a catastrophe is to be averted. It is unfortunate that the danger posed by climate change is not yet regarded as an emergency that requires an “all hands on deck” global effort. This lack of awareness is exacerbated by the widespread view that the task is too immense to be accomplished in this century. It is our view that the past aerospace engineering successes and failures provide us with the lessons needed to convince the aerospace engineering community that the transition to green aviation can indeed be accomplished if economic and special interest considerations are set aside.



