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Children's preferences of the colour composition of art paintings
Infant and Child Development ( IF 1.776 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-24 , DOI: 10.1002/icd.2450
Tomoko Imura 1 , Nobu Shirai 2, 3 , Taisei Kondo 4 , Shigeki Nakauchi 4

Colour composition is acknowledged as a key contributor to aesthetic evaluation in visual art. Adult observers tend to prefer colour compositions that are particularly close to the original, regardless of the painting's category or the observer's cultural background. In this study, we examined whether children aged 5–12 years expressed a preference for the colour composition of original paintings using three scene types: abstract, figure, and botanical. The children each selected one of their preferred images from the paintings with four different colour compositions, including the original hue. A preference for the colour compositions of original figure paintings emerged between the ages of 5 and 8, and a similar preference for abstract and botanical paintings emerged between the ages of 9 and 12. Thus, preferences regarding colour composition in paintings are gradually acquired from childhood to adulthood.



色彩构成被认为是视觉艺术审美评价的关键贡献者。成人观察者往往更喜欢特别接近原作的色彩构图,无论绘画的类别或观察者的文化背景如何。在这项研究中,我们检查了 5-12 岁的儿童是否表达了对使用抽象、人物和植物三种场景类型的原画色彩构图的偏好。孩子们每个人都从具有四种不同色彩构成(包括原始色调)的画作中选择了一幅自己喜欢的图像。对原创人物画的色彩构成的偏好在5至8岁之间出现,对抽象和植物画的类似偏好在9至12岁之间出现。因此,对绘画色彩构成的偏好是从童年开始逐渐形成的。到成年。