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The impact of pluralistic values on postmodern tourists' behavioural intention towards renovated heritage sites
Tourism Management Perspectives ( IF 7.608 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2023.101175
Shan Wang , Ivan Ka Wai Lai , Jose Weng Chou Wong

Referring to the value-attitude-behaviour model, perceived pluralistic values may be abstract cognition that influences postmodern tourists to continue to visit renovated heritage sites. However, there is a lack of studies on the pluralistic values of postmodern tourists. Thus, the dimensions of pluralistic values are unclear. This study first conducted personal interviews with 27 postmodern tourists to develop a measurement scale of pluralistic values, which consists of 9 items in two dimensions (open-to-change and fusional culture). Then, 382 postmodern tourists were systematically surveyed. The results indicated that pluralistic values affect the attitudes towards a visited heritage destination and other postmodern heritage sites, and these two attitudes affect the intention to visit other postmodern heritage sites. This study enriches our understanding of postmodernism in tourism, as well as the effects of pluralistic value on postmodern tourists' attitudes and behaviours. It also provides managerial implications to promote postmodern heritage sites.



