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The need for an intersectionality framework in precision medicine research
American Journal of Human Genetics ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2023.08.013
Maya Sabatello 1 , Gregory Diggs-Yang 2 , Alicia Santiago 3 , Carla Easter 4 , Kim Jacoby Morris 5 , Brittany M Hollister 6 , Michael Hahn 7 , Kellan Baker 8 , Alma McCormick 9 , Ella Greene-Moton 10 , Christina Daulton 11 , Greta Goto 12

Precision medicine research has seen growing efforts to increase participation of communities that have been historically underrepresented in biomedical research. Marginalized racial and ethnic communities have received particular attention, toward the goal of improving the generalizability of scientific knowledge and promoting health equity. Against this backdrop, research has highlighted three key issues that could impede the promise of precision medicine research: issues surrounding (dis)trust and representation, challenges in translational efforts to improve health outcomes, and the need for responsive community engagement. Existing efforts to address these challenges have predominantly centered on single-dimensional demographic criteria such as race, ethnicity, or sex, while overlooking how these and additional variables, such as disability, gender identity, and socioeconomic factors, can confound and jointly impact research participation. We argue that increasing cohort diversity and the responsiveness of precision medicine research studies to community needs requires an approach that transcends conventional boundaries and embraces a more nuanced, multi-layered, and intersectional framework for data collection, analyses, and implementation. We draw attention to gaps in existing work, highlight how overlapping layers of marginalization might shape and substantiate one another and affect the precision-medicine research cycle, and put forth strategies to facilitate equitable advantages from precision-medicine research to diverse participants and internally heterogeneous communities.



