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The associations of coffee consumption, coffee types, and caffeine metabolites with periodontitis: Results from NHANES 2009–2014
Journal of Periodontology ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-10 , DOI: 10.1002/jper.23-0322
Qiansi Chen 1 , Ruiyang Ge 2 , Yuxuan Wu 1 , Yuying Wu 1 , Han Yang 1 , Yiming Yu 1 , Qingrong Deng 1 , Yu Qiu 3 , Baochang He 1, 3 , Fuhua Yan 4 , Yanfen Li 4 , Fa Chen 1, 5

Coffee is one of the world's most popular beverages and is the main dietary source of caffeine for most people. The various molecular effects of caffeine suggest that it may enhance bone loss. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship of coffee, coffee types, and caffeine metabolites with periodontitis.


咖啡摄入量、咖啡类型和咖啡因代谢物与牙周炎的关联:NHANES 2009-2014 年结果
