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Moral Improvement of Self, Social Relations, and Society
Annual Review of Psychology ( IF 24.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-032420-031614
Colin Wayne Leach 1, 2 , Aarti Iyer 3

There is always room for moral improvement. However, very few prior reviews have focused on the phenomenon of moral improvement of self, social relations, or society. We first consider prevailing notions of the self-concept by highlighting the niche of theory and research that identifies an improving self as a possible identity and basis of motivation to act better and to be better. Second, we discuss moral improvement in the context of social relations, especially the close interpersonal relations that should most facilitate moral improvement. Third, we examine the moral improvement of society, focusing on the factors that facilitate or inhibit caring about potential immorality despite the fact that issues such as inequality, discrimination, and the climate crisis seem to be morally distant and impersonal. Finally, we discuss future directions for theory, research, and application.


