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Music-induced tourism: Korean pop (K-pop) music consumption values and their consequences
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 7.158 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2023.100824
Seongseop (Sam) Kim , Sangkyun Kim , Antony King Fung Wong

People are exposed to a diverse range of music genres through numerous media in everyday life. Pop music, being a significant cultural symbol, has evolved into a major tourist attraction; an example is found in Korean pop (K-pop) music and its fandoms. This study aimed to examine an integrated structural model which included consumption values and their consequences. Three key domains of K-pop music consumption values were identified: character and visual performance, imitation and attachment, and message and vocal value. Interestingly, the study found that character and visual performance value were not significant influences on emotional involvement or referential reflection. Moreover, the study affirmed that music plays a substantial role in fostering familiarity with the music's country of origin, and in driving the intention to consume its products or travel within the country. Another notable finding from our study is the relative homogeneity of K-pop fans; their responses to the music did not vary significantly according to factors such as sex, age, or ethnicity.



