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Within-Host Evolution of Bacterial Pathogens in Acute and Chronic Infection
Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease ( IF 36.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-13 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-pathmechdis-051122-111408
John P Dekker 1, 2

Bacterial pathogens undergo remarkable adaptive change in response to the selective forces they encounter during host colonization and infection. Studies performed over the past few decades have demonstrated that many general evolutionary processes can be discerned during the course of host adaptation, including genetic diversification of lineages, clonal succession events, convergent evolution, and balanced fitness trade-offs. In some cases, elevated mutation rates resulting from mismatch repair or proofreading deficiencies accelerate evolution, and active mobile genetic elements or phages may facilitate genome plasticity. The host immune response provides another critical component of the fitness landscapes guiding adaptation, and selection operating on pathogens at this level may lead to immune evasion and the establishment of chronic infection. This review summarizes recent advances in this field, with a special focus on different forms of bacterial genome plasticity in the context of infection, and considers clinical consequences of adaptive changes for the host.


