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Rethinking resource enclavity in developing countries: Embedding Global Production Networks in gold mining regions
Journal of Economic Geography ( IF 5.117 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-27 , DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbad028
Gavin Hilson 1 , Yanfei Hu 1 , Abigail Hilson 2 , John R Owen 3 , Éléonore Lèbre 3 , Titus Sauerwein 1

This article explores how the gold mining sector has adapted and evolved in developing countries since the onset of the global pandemic. A major criticism of capital-intensive gold mines has been that they occur as enclaves which fail to catalyze local economic development. Pre-pandemic, the pressure applied by NGOs and donors on gold mining companies to ‘de-enclave’ was steadily building. It has since dissipated, however, because many governments have declared mining an ‘essential’ industry. This decision has further entrenched the sector’s enclavity by justifying companies’ moves to continue operating in isolation and abandon their traditional Corporate Social Responsibility strategies.