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Experimental evidence on the determinants of citizens' expectations toward public services
Public Administration Review ( IF 8.144 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13775
Nicola Bellé 1 , Paolo Belardinelli 2 , Maria Cucciniello 3 , Greta Nasi 4

We conducted three randomized experiments to investigate whether and to what extent citizens' expectations toward waiting times for public service delivery are influenced by reference points, either in the form of social or numerical references. Consistent with our theoretical expectations, our results provide convergent evidence of reference dependence. Specifically, informing citizens that waiting times are longer (shorter) relative to a social reference causes an increase (decrease) in expected waiting times. Additionally, due to an anchoring bias, priming citizens with a higher numerical value for waiting times extends their expected waiting times. Furthermore, in line with the expectancy-disconfirmation model, citizens' satisfaction with the service is causally impacted by the extent to which actual performance exceeds their expectations.


