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Characterizing Shallow/Near-Surface Structures from Surface Waves in Deep Seismic Reflection Data
Surveys in Geophysics ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10712-023-09809-5
Wenbin Guo , Zhengbo Li , Shuai Zhao , Sheng Dong , Rongyi Qian , Xiaofei Chen

Deep seismic reflection (DSR) profiling is an effective technique for mapping subsurface structures. Generally, reflections in DSR data are used to constrain underground structures at the crustal scale. In addition to reflections, surface waves in DSR data can be used to investigate shallow/near-surface structures. In this study, we extracted multimodal dispersion curves and estimated their uncertainties from the DSR data in the Beijing Plain, North China, using the frequency-Bessel transform method. Compared to other surface wave surveys conducted in this area, the dispersion curves obtained from DSR data have a unique frequency band, which enables an accurate image of the structure to a depth of 200 m. The 2-D shear wave velocity model obtained by surface wave inversion is consistent with the borehole data and existing shallow/near-surface geophysical studies, which can effectively resolve the faults in the study area. Given the extensive deployment of DSR surveys worldwide and the potential of DSR surface wave analysis, we believe that the development of DSR surface wave analysis could be highly beneficial.
