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Autistic Traits and Cyberbullying Involvement Mediated by Psychopathologies and School Functions in a Nationally Representative Child Sample.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking ( IF 6.135 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-21 , DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2022.0309
Hai-Ti Lin,Yueh-Ming Tai,Susan Shur-Fen Gau

Cyberbullying has become an international concern among youth with autistic traits in the digital age. It draws the attention of professionals in mental health and education due to its potentially severe psychosocial and academic impacts. However, there is limited knowledge about the mediators for these associations. This study investigated whether school dysfunction and comorbid psychopathologies mediated the link between autistic traits and cyberbullying. We used a nationally representative sample of 9,483 students (9-14 years of age). The instruments included the Social Responsiveness Scale for autistic traits; the Cyberbullying Experiences Questionnaire for cyberbullying victimization and perpetration; the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, version IV for inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and oppositional behaviors; the Child Behavior Checklist for anxiety/depression; and the Social Adjustment Inventory for Children and Adolescents for impaired school functions. Multiple mediation models were used for statistical analyses. The results showed that the 1-year prevalence rates of pure victims, pure perpetrators, and bully-victims of cyberbullying were 7.9 percent, 2.4 percent, and 5.7 percent, respectively. Cyberbullying victimization and perpetration were positively associated with autistic traits, school dysfunction, and comorbid psychopathologies. The associations between autistic traits and cyberbullying victims and bully-victims were significantly mediated by school dysfunction and hyperactivity/impulsivity (only for bully-victims), independent of sex and age. Our results suggest that early identification and intervention of these difficulties may mitigate the risks of cyberbullying. ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02707848.



网络欺凌已成为数字时代具有自闭症特征的青少年的国际关注问题。由于其潜在的严重社会心理和学术影响,它引起了心理健康和教育专业人士的关注。然而,人们对这些协会的调解人的了解有限。这项研究调查了学校功能障碍和共病精神病理学是否介导了自闭症特征和网络欺凌之间的联系。我们使用了具有全国代表性的 9,483 名学生(9-14 岁)样本。这些工具包括自闭症特征的社会反应量表;关于网络欺凌受害和实施的网络欺凌经历调查问卷;Swanson、Nolan 和 Pelham 的第四版,针对注意力不集中、多动/冲动和对抗行为;焦虑/抑郁儿童行为检查表;以及针对学校功能受损的儿童和青少年社会适应清单。使用多种中介模型进行统计分析。结果显示,网络欺凌纯粹受害者、纯粹施暴者和欺凌受害者的一年患病率分别为7.9%、2.4%和5.7%。网络欺凌的受害和实施与自闭症特征、学校功能障碍和共病精神病理学呈正相关。自闭症特征与网络欺凌受害者和欺凌受害者之间的关联明显受到学校功能障碍和多动/冲动(仅适用于欺凌受害者)的影响,与性别和年龄无关。我们的结果表明,及早识别和干预这些困难可以减轻网络欺凌的风险。ClinicalTrials.gov ID:NCT02707848。