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Liquid migration revisited: Reflections on Brazilian mobilities to Australia
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.630 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2729
Rafael Azeredo 1

This paper discusses whether liquid migration, a framework developed to theorise recent patterns of intra-European migration, is a suitable lens to analyse contemporary migration in other regions of the Western world. It does so by drawing on findings from ethnographic research conducted on the Brazilian migration to Australia, a recent migration wave whose patterns are embedded in a transformed migration context and paradigm. The reflections suggest that, notwithstanding a few differences and nuances inherent to the migration regime in question, the original framing of liquid migration is helpful to analyse and understand contemporary patterns of Brazilian migration to Australia. The contributions of this paper include a reframing of the original dimensions of liquid migration based on contemporary migration patterns to Australia. Based on the Australian case, this paper proposes a new dimension of liquid migration—namely, fluid visa journeys—which addresses some of the critiques of the original formulation of the concept. Finally, this paper argues that the fluidity of contemporary migration patterns to Australia is not a condition migrants pursue willingly, but rather one they are ‘trapped into’.


