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Challenges in the New Economy: A New Era for Work Design
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 13.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-081722-053704
Franco Fraccaroli 1 , Sara Zaniboni 2, 3 , Donald M. Truxillo 4

Models of work design emerged in the twentieth century to address workplace changes created by the industrial revolution. However, the world of work is currently undergoing a new, profound revolution in terms of technological, demographic, and environmental changes, leading to a new economy, within which organizations and employees must function. The field of work design currently includes robust theories with a deep understanding of how work design affects employee outcomes, many with relevance to this new economy. However, the new economy also includes issues never before considered (e.g., algorithmic management and gig and lone work), and the field of work design must tackle the implications of these emerging issues. In this article, we review the general findings on work design and then examine a range of contextual, economic, technological, and diversity issues and their relevance to work design. We conclude with an agenda for future work design research and implications for work analysis and work design interventions and policies.


