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Late-Onset Status Epilepticus Associated With Isolated Leptomeningeal Angioma and Sturge-Weber Syndrome-Related GNA11 Pathogenic Variation
Neurology ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000207839
Louis Cousyn 1 , Delphine Leclercq 1 , Minh Chau Ta 1 , François Gilbert 1 , Lucas Di Meglio 1 , Clémence Marois 1 , Andrei Haddad 1 , Bertrand Mathon 1 , Mélanie Eyries 1 , Vincent Navarro 1

A 61-year-old man with no neurologic history presented with 2 episodes of super-refractory left-sided focal motor status epilepticus 5 months apart. He developed a prolonged postictal left hemiparesis each time that improved over several weeks. He also experienced recurrent and transient left hemiplegia independently of any seizure after hypovolemic and septic shocks.


晚发性癫痫持续状态与孤立性软脑膜血管瘤和斯特奇-韦伯综合征相关的 GNA11 致病变异相关

一名无神经病史的 61 岁男性出现 2 次超难治性左侧局灶性癫痫持续状态,相隔 5 个月。他每次都会出现长时间的发作后左侧偏瘫,但几周后就会有所改善。他还经历了反复出现的短暂性左侧偏瘫,与低血容量和感染性休克后的任何癫痫发作无关。
