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Context-dependent changes in maritime traffic activity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
Global Environmental Change ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102773
Alexandra Loveridge , Christopher D. Elvidge , David A. Kroodsma , Timothy D. White , Karen Evans , Akiko Kato , Yan Ropert-Coudert , Julia Sommerfeld , Akinori Takahashi , Robert Patchett , Benjamin Robira , Christian Rutz , David W. Sims

Rapid implementation of human mobility restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reduced maritime activity in early 2020. But where and when activity rebounded, or remained low, during the full extent of 2020 restrictions remains unclear. Using global high-resolution datasets, we reveal a surprising degree of complexity in maritime activity patterns during 2020, yielding a more nuanced picture of how restrictions affected activity. Overall, shipping activity in Exclusive Economic Zones decreased (1.35 %), as expected, however high-seas activity increased (0.28 %). While these annual changes appear modest, there were striking spatially and temporally asynchronous variations in different vessel types’ activity in the second half of 2020, ranging from an > 80 % sustained reduction in passenger vessel activity to a 150 % increase in fishing activity. Results suggest systems-level responses were highly context-dependent, pinpointing areas that experienced significant reductions and spikes in activity, and providing hitherto missing details of COVID-19 impacts on economic and environmental sustainability.


COVID-19 大流行第一年海上交通活动的具体变化

COVID-19 大流行期间迅速实施的人员流动限制极大地减少了 2020 年初的海上活动。但在 2020 年限制的整个范围内,活动何时何地反弹或保持较低水平仍不清楚。使用全球高分辨率数据集,我们揭示了 2020 年海上活动模式的惊人复杂程度,从而更细致地了解限制如何影响活动。总体而言,专属经济区的航运活动如预期减少(1.35%),但公海活动增加(0.28%)。虽然这些年度变化看似不大,但 2020 年下半年不同类型船舶的活动在空间和时间上存在显着的异步变化,从客船活动持续减少 80% 以上到捕捞活动增加 150%。结果表明,系统级响应高度依赖于具体情况,精确定位活动大幅减少和激增的区域,并提供迄今为止缺失的 COVID-19 对经济和环境可持续性影响的详细信息。