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Breastfeeding and Mothers With Epilepsy
Neurology ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000208021
Steven Karceski , Helene Quinn

In their study "Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding in the Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs Study," Gerard et al. carefully studied the differences in breastfeeding for women with and without epilepsy.1 Women with epilepsy face many challenges; for mothers with epilepsy, questions arise surrounding breastfeeding. For instance, "If I am taking a medication for my seizures, should I breastfeed? How will the medication affect my baby? Will they get sick from it? Will the medication affect their development and learning?"



Gerard 等人在他们的研究“母乳喂养的开始和持续时间对孕产妇结局和抗癫痫药物神经发育影响的研究”中。仔细研究了患有和不患有癫痫的女性在母乳喂养方面的差异。1女性癫痫患者面临许多挑战;对于患有癫痫的母亲来说,母乳喂养会产生一些问题。例如,“如果我正在服用治疗癫痫的药物,我应该母乳喂养吗?这种药物会如何影响我的宝宝?他们会因此生病吗?这种药物会影响他们的发育和学习吗?”
