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Bayesian spatial analysis of fertility and multidimensional poverty in municipalities of Mexico 2020
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.630 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2731
Gerardo Núñez Medina 1 , Patricia Catalina Medina Pérez 2

The low fertility levels observed in Mexico in recent years have been accompanied by high levels of poverty. The paper analyzes the effect of multidimensional poverty on the observed levels of fertility at the municipal level, that is, the relationship between the spatial dispersion of fertility and the observed levels of poverty. The analysis is based on the application of two hierarchical Bayesian models, the first one representing a spatial field that adjusts the behaviour of the total fertility rate and a second one that adds the effect of the poverty covariate to the spatial field. The results show that an increase in municipal poverty levels would cause a significant increase in fertility rates, which is evidenced by the formation of spatial clusters where high levels of fertility and poverty are observed.


