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Decentralising Airbnb: Testing the acceptability of blockchain-based sharing economy systems
Tourism Management ( IF 12.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104871
Ikram Nur Muharam , Iis P. Tussyadiah , Albert Nsom Kimbu

This study employs a sequential exploratory mixed-methods approach to investigate users' perspectives and acceptability of blockchain-based sharing economy systems. The suggested model explains how users’ perceptions of specific features of such concepts influence acceptance in ways that existing theories like TPB, TAM, or UTAUT cannot. The results revealed that user empowerment was the most significant factor influencing acceptance. Furthermore, multigroup analysis (MGA) demonstrates how different contexts have distinct acceptance predictors. Depending on the context, perceived lower fees, perceived faster settlement, perceived income distribution, perceived fraudproof, and perceived traceability had varying significance. Meanwhile, perceived immutability, perceived process automation, and perceived transparency, even though considered appealing, were not significant in influencing acceptance. The findings imply that stakeholders should balance technicality and behavioural aspects, and be aware of the context.


去中心化 Airbnb:测试基于区块链的共享经济系统的可接受性

本研究采用顺序探索性混合方法来调查用户对基于区块链的共享经济系统的看法和可接受性。建议的模型解释了用户对此类概念的特定特征的看法如何影响接受度,而 TPB、TAM 或 UTAUT 等现有理论则无法做到这一点。结果显示,用户授权是影响接受度的最重要因素。此外,多组分析(MGA)展示了不同的背景如何具有不同的接受预测因子。根据具体情况,感知较低的费用、感知更快的结算、感知收入分配、感知防欺诈和感知可追溯性具有不同的重要性。与此同时,感知的不变性、感知的流程自动化和感知的透明度,尽管被认为很有吸引力,但对影响接受度并不显着。研究结果表明,利益相关者应该平衡技术性和行为方面,并了解背景。