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Analysis of a sinc-Galerkin Method for the Fractional Laplacian
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1137/22m1542374
Harbir Antil 1 , Patrick W. Dondl 2 , Ludwig Striet 2

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 61, Issue 6, Page 2967-2993, December 2023.
Abstract. We provide the convergence analysis for a [math]-Galerkin method to solve the fractional Dirichlet problem. This can be understood as a follow-up of [H. Antil, P. Dondl, and L. Striet, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 43 (2021), pp. A2897–A2922], where the authors presented a [math]-function based method to solve fractional PDEs. While the original method was formulated as a collocation method, we show that the same method can be interpreted as a nonconforming Galerkin method, giving access to abstract error estimates. Optimal order of convergence is shown without any unrealistic regularity assumptions on the solution.


分数拉普拉斯算子的 sinc-Galerkin 方法分析

《SIAM 数值分析杂志》,第 61 卷,第 6 期,第 2967-2993 页,2023 年 12 月。
摘要。我们提供了求解分数阶狄利克雷问题的[数学]-Galerkin 方法的收敛性分析。这可以理解为[H. Antil、P. Dondl 和 L. Striet,SIAM J. Sci。Comput., 43 (2021), pp. A2897–A2922],其中作者提出了一种基于[数学]函数的方法来求解分数偏微分方程。虽然原始方法被表述为搭配方法,但我们表明相同的方法可以解释为非一致性伽辽金方法,从而可以访问抽象的误差估计。显示了最佳收敛顺序,没有对解决方案进行任何不切实际的规律性假设。