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Influence of residual pockets on periodontal tooth loss: a retrospective analysis
Journal of Periodontology ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-19 , DOI: 10.1002/jper.23-0448
Muhammad H. A. Saleh 1 , Debora R. Dias 2, 3 , Obada Mandil 1 , Ricardo P. de Oliveira 4 , Abdusalam Alrmali 1 , Maurício G. Araújo 2 , Hom‐Lay Wang 1 , Zoltan Barath 5 , Istvan A. Urban 1, 5, 6, 7

Individuals enrolled in supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) can still present with tooth loss due to periodontitis (TLP). There is limited evidence on the influence of residual pockets (RPc) and a defined “threshold” at which a patient's profile is set to be at high risk for TLP in the literature. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the influence of RPc on TLP and determine the prognostic performance of RPc compared to the staging and grading of periodontitis on TLP risk.



参加支持性牙周治疗 ( SPT ) 的个人仍可能因牙周炎 (TLP) 而出现牙齿脱落。关于残留袋 (RPc) 的影响以及文献中将患者概况设定为 TLP 高风险的定义“阈值”,证据有限。因此,本研究旨在评估 RPc 对 TLP 的影响,并确定 RPc 与牙周炎分期和分级相比对 TLP 风险的预后表现。