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Ecological Applications ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2871

COVER PHOTO: Rates of biological invasions continue to accelerate worldwide, posing increasingly urgent and destructive impacts on the global environment and economy. The January 2024 issue of Ecological Applications is dedicated to a special feature addressing this critical issue through a range of approaches, including field surveys, experiments, ecological modeling, and molecular techniques, with studies conducted across diverse terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The Management of Biological Invasions in China special feature explores strategies for controlling and mitigating invasive species with articles that provide valuable insights into future studies of invasive alien species in China and beyond. The cover image features the invasion range of S. alterniflora extending landward via tidal channels in salt marshes. This UAV aerial image of salt marshes in the Yellow River Delta, China, taken in July 2021, presents the process and pattern of S. alterniflora landward expansion along the meandering geomorphic structure of tidal channels, particularly the convex sides of channel meanders, which illustrates increased opportunity for species establishment. These findings are documented by Ning et al. (this issue; Article e2813; doi:10.1002/eap.2813) and suggest that the meandering geomorphology of tidal channels could act as stepping-stones to greatly facilitate cordgrass landward spread along tidal channels by creating invasion windows. Photo credit: Zhonghua Ning.