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Macrophage-based therapeutic approaches for cardiovascular diseases
Basic Research in Cardiology ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00395-023-01027-9
Marida Sansonetti , Bashar Al Soodi , Thomas Thum , Mira Jung

Despite the advances in treatment options, cardiovascular disease (CVDs) remains the leading cause of death over the world. Chronic inflammatory response and irreversible fibrosis are the main underlying pathophysiological causes of progression of CVDs. In recent decades, cardiac macrophages have been recognized as main regulatory players in the development of these complex pathophysiological conditions. Numerous approaches aimed at macrophages have been devised, leading to novel prospects for therapeutic interventions. Our review covers the advancements in macrophage-centric treatment plans for various pathologic conditions and examines the potential consequences and obstacles of employing macrophage-targeted techniques in cardiac diseases.



