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Loss functions for spatial wildfire applications
Environmental Modelling & Software ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.105944
Shona Elliot- Kerr , James Hilton , Kate Parkins , Ujjwal K.C. , Carolyn Huston , William Swedosh , Trent Penman

Spatial predictions of wildfire spread are used operationally and in risk estimation. It is important that their outputs are validated to quantify predictive performance and uncertainty. There are numerous loss functions for this simulation validation. Our paper synthesises ten common and five novel loss functions for evaluating the performance of wildfire predictions against observed or simulated wildfires. We describe each loss function; test their sensitivity to scale, rotation and translation; and demonstrate their application with three case study wildfires in south-eastern Australia. Based on their purpose, there are three categories of loss functions: general overlap, partial overlap and distance. Within these categories, there is functional redundancy as many loss functions are appropriate and perform similarly. Using loss functions from across the three different categories is the most comprehensive for evaluating wildfire models, but the choice depends on the simulation purpose and interpretation.



