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Urinoids — a new tool to study bladder cancer
Nature Reviews Urology ( IF 15.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41585-024-00853-3
Maria Chiara Masone

Current treatments for bladder cancer are only effective in a limited percentage of patients, indicating that personalized treatment based on individual tumour characteristics is needed. In a new study published in the British Journal of Cancer, bladder cancer organoids were established non-invasively from patients’ urine (urinoids). These urinoids recapitulated the histological features and the genetic characteristics of the original tumour. Moreover, urinoids’ response to bladder cancer therapies was similar to that of their tissue organoid counterpart. Despite some limitations, such as an increased chance of culture infection, urinoids are a fast and non-invasive method to obtain patients’ organoids, providing proof of the feasibility of sequential monitoring of patients’ tumour characteristics and response to therapy.



