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Time matters: Rethinking the role of time in the philosophical, conceptual and methodological domains of international business
Journal of World Business ( IF 8.635 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2024.101521
Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki , Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki , Melanie Hassett , Peter W. Liesch , Ulf Andersson , Elizabeth L. Rose

The purpose of this editorial, and the special issue, is to initiate a dialogue about the role of time in international business (IB) scholarship. While time is inherent in IB phenomena, it has, to date, received limited attention in IB research and theorizing. When IB scholars do account for time, they generally adhere to assumptions representing time as linear and objective. We discuss the importance of time in the philosophical, conceptual, and methodological domains of IB, defining each of these three interconnected domains, problematizing their dominant assumptions about time, and suggesting potential avenues for rethinking time in IB.



这篇社论和特刊的目的是发起一场关于时间在国际商务 (IB) 学术中的作用的对话。虽然时间是 IB 现象所固有的,但迄今为止,它在 IB 研究和理论中受到的关注有限。当 IB 学者确实考虑时间时,他们通常坚持将时间表示为线性和客观的假设。我们讨论了时间在 IB 的哲学、概念和方法论领域中的重要性,定义了这三个相互关联的领域中的每一个,对它们关于时间的主要假设提出了问题,并提出了重新思考 IB 中时间的潜在途径。
