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Acknowledging Volunteers Associated With 2023 IEEE CIS Conference Management [Society Briefs]
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1109/mci.2023.3333146
Marley Velasco , Steven Corns

The IEEE Computational Society (CIS) offers many financially-sponsored conferences each year. All of these depend on the hard work and effort of volunteers who propose and then organize these events in the pursuit of a healthy exchange of information and improvement in the application and theory of computational intelligence approaches. The last few years in particular have been a challenging time for conferences as the pandemic required rapid conversion to virtual programming. Only now are we finally seeing a return to largely in-person events with some hybrid components. The IEEE CIS Conferences Committee and Administrative Committee recently approved a motion to list the general chairs, program chairs, and financial chairs for IEEE CIS financially-sponsored conferences in IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine on an annual basis as a way of recognizing these volunteers for their service. Your efforts are definitely appreciated and thank you on behalf of the society!


感谢与 2023 年 IEEE CIS 会议管理相关的志愿者 [学会简报]

IEEE 计算学会 (CIS) 每年都会举办许多由财务赞助的会议。所有这些都取决于志愿者的辛勤工作和努力,他们提出并组织这些活动,以追求健康的信息交流和计算智能方法的应用和理论的改进。过去几年对于会议来说尤其是充满挑战的时期,因为大流行需要快速转换为虚拟编程。直到现在,我们才终于看到以一些混合组件为主的面对面活动的回归。 IEEE CIS 会议委员会和管理委员会最近批准了一项动议,每年在 IEEE 计算智能杂志上列出 IEEE CIS 资助会议的总主席、程序主席和财务主席,以表彰这些志愿者的服务。你们的努力我们深表感谢,并代表社会感谢你们!