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CIS-ing in an Uncertain World [President's Message]
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1109/mci.2023.3332465
Yaochu Jin 1

I am deeply honored to serve as the President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) for 2024-2025. I had never imagined that I would become the President of our society when I joined IEEE at the 1998 World Congress on Computational Intelligence. I would take this opportunity to thank Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, chair of the nomination committee and her colleagues, for their trust. I am also very much grateful to Jim Keller, the President in 2022-2023 and now Past President, who mentored me through the year when I was the President-Elect. My thanks also go to Tom Compton, the Executive Director, whose support has been always very helpful and timely.


不确定世界中的 CIS [主席致辞]

我非常荣幸担任 IEEE 计算智能协会 (CIS) 2024-2025 年度主席。当我在 1998 年世界计算智能大会上加入 IEEE 时,我从未想过自己会成为我们学会的主席。借此机会感谢提名委员会主席Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier和她的同事们的信任。我还非常感谢 2022-2023 年总统、现任前总统吉姆·凯勒 (Jim Keller),他在我当选总统的这一年里对我进行了指导。我还要感谢执行董事 Tom Compton,他的支持总是非常有帮助和及时。