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Exploring Current Automotive Industry Trends [Automotive Electronics]
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2023.3317525
João P. Trovão

The collaborative efforts of the University of Lille and the Art & Métier Institute of Technology in Lille (France) culminated in the organization of the 15th Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) International Summer School, held from 12 to 15 June 2023, adopting a hybrid format ( Figure 1 ). The EMR 2023 event showcased a comprehensive agenda comprising six lectures elucidating foundational concepts, 26 lectures delving into pragmatic applications, and four simulation sessions (comprising one conducted in person and three online). This event drew a diverse audience of 114 participants hailing from 17 countries, encompassing 53 in-person attendees and 61 online participants. The resounding success of EMR 2023 was further augmented by esteemed endorsements from reputable scientific organizations, including the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, MEGEVH, CUMIN, and the Lab of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics (L2EP), alongside robust support from industrial stakeholders, Typhoon HIL and Siemens Software.



里尔大学和法国里尔艺术与工艺学院的共同努力最终促成了第 15 届能量宏观表征 (EMR) 国际暑期学校的举办,该暑期学校于 2023 年 6 月 12 日至 15 日举行,采用混合形式( 图1 )。 EMR 2023 活动展示了一个全面的议程,包括 6 场阐明基本概念的讲座、26 场深入探讨实用应用的讲座以及 4 场模拟会议(包括 1 场现场授课和 3 场在线授课)。此次活动吸引了来自 17 个国家的 114 名参与者,其中 53 名现场参与者和 61 名在线参与者。 EMR 2023 的巨大成功得到了 IEEE 车辆技术协会、MEGEVH、CUMIN 和电气工程与电力电子实验室 (L2EP) 等知名科学组织的认可,以及工业利益相关者 Typhoon HIL 的大力支持。和西门子软件。